Foods that will skyrocket your libido, so try daily

Foods that will skyrocket your libido, so try daily

foods that will skyrocket your libido, so try daily


Best foods to boost your desire

Good for the heart, remedy for insomnia or even anti-stress, loving activity is a natural vector of well-being. Let it be said, the decrease in libido in both men and women is far from being a deficiency and is much more apparent than we think.

There are various reasons why desire may fade: simple circumstances such as tiredness, depression, stress, some medicines (anxiolytics and antidepressants), extreme alcohol consumption, or even low testosterone in men can cause it. Be the cause. Falling birth can also put a thorny brake on your libido for a while, essentially due to lack of sleep. What you eat can also change your desire.

Here are some foods and superfoods that will support spice up your relationship and increase your desire.

These foods awaken the desire

Strawberries and Raspberries: the seeds of these fruits are packed with zinc, necessary for both men’s and women’s physical potency. Women have high zinc levels; there are more testosterone production and improved libido in men; zinc controls testosterone level, responsible for producing seminal fluid. Therefore, men must stock up on zinc as their levels decline during intercourse.

Avocado: Folic acid and vitamin B6 are necessary for a healthy sex drive. Frolic acid also improves blood circulation in the corpora cavernosa, while vitamin B6 stabilizes hormones.


They are known as a symbol of fertility and aphrodisiac food.

Almonds are abundant sources of vital fatty acids, vital for fertility, reproductive functions, hormone generation, mainly testosterone, and a healthy libido. Fildena and vidalista 60 are best at treat mens impotence problems.

To excite hormones

Promoting our love hormones’ production means acting on our brain’s chemistry by renewal all the elements at the origin of physical desire. Many nutrients are included in our hormones, with concrete actions:

  • Sodium borate increases testosterone levels in men.
  • Zinc interacts with love hormones.
  • Selenium guarantees good sperm health.

Some specific foods contain phytoestrogens, substances similar to love hormones that improve their secretion.

What to do?

You can give your lover a delightful massage with sweet almond oil and thus enhance your intimate relationship.

Watermelon: Watermelon improves erection and improves lipidosis is because it includes citrulline, which delivers amino acids and arginine in the body arginine is effective for vascular health.

Almonds: Almonds include arginine, which increases circulation and relaxes blood vessels. This amino acid present in almonds benefits in maintaining an erection.

Chocolate: Dark chocolate releases serotonin and endorphins that improve mood and do not increase libido but can transmit well-being.

To prepare your body.

Thanks to our food, we can enhance our blood circulation, whether it is by extending the veins or by dilating the vessels. This increases the flow of blood needed for a male erection and, in general, the private parts’ irrigation. Quite to tone your body and give it the strength it requires for love.

Asparagus amongst the aphrodisiac foods

For thousands of years, various cultures around the world have praised the aphrodisiac qualities of asparagus.

The Greeks spoke of it in love hatreds. Together, the Kamasutra suggests drinking its infusions French history; it is said to eat asparagus three times a day before the marriage to improve the wedding night’s libido.

Asparagus includes aspartic acid, which helps neutralize excess ammonia in the body, which causes weakness and reduced physical desire.

Why can a body loved with passion ends up being superior or, worse, disgusting?

This is what happened to Maryvonne. After two years of intense physical passion, she chooses to settle down with Philippe. A month later, her desire disappeared.

What is blocking her?

Philippe’s heavy breathing when they make love: “While I had never paid consideration to it, it warned me of the panting breath of a cousin who had masturbated on me when I was little. Impossible to regain the momentum that had guided me until then. ”

What to do?

Asparagus can be grilled, sauteed, steamed, or roasted.

Eggs: It is important to consume eggs to get healthy erection eggs containing the amino acid L-arginine, which can support erectile dysfunction.

Peaches: Vitamin C in peaches increases sperm count and sperm quality because peaches carry high vitamin C levels, which is excellent for combating impotence.

Coffee: Coffee is an energizer, helping us excite the brain to increase arousal and sensual desire.

Saffron: Saffron is a natural turn-on and should be used to improve intimate desire and performance. Bad saffron is also able to increase the strength and energy available to us.

Steak: Steak is an excellent ingredient for arousing loving desire: it contains vitamin B, iron, zinc, and protein, which are necessary compounds for both men and women to improve libido.


The avocado tree was called ahuacuatl by the Aztecs, meaning “testicle tree,” as a pair of hanging avocados recalled them of men’s testicles. Tadalista and vidalista 40 are best for ed problems.

Avocados are great sources of minerals and antioxidants rich in carotenoids, vitamin E, fiber, vitamin B6 and potassium.

The vitamin E present in avocado is supposed to improve the intensity of orgasm during an intimate encounter.


It is a popular spice used in cooking as a condiment, and flavoring cinnamon also has therapeutic qualities and is a known aphrodisiac.

For a good love vitality

It would be useless to try to arouse your libido without considering your body. This is why the secret of loving energy also lies in our good physical condition and, therefore, in our organs’ great oxygenation. This needs that our red blood cells are numerous. To do this, we rely on iron and vitamins of group B.